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The original thesis that started it all. The document includes all the experiments conducted to test water quality before and after going through the filters. It also includes previous research and future recommendations - which is still the direction of Showerloop today.
During the making of the showerMagic thesis, Eduard joined the team to develop an automation system and a software platform whereby the speed of individual experiments could be increased dramatically. The same idea was later simplified to run on an Arduino micro controller instead of a PC.
In 2014 Anup Mishra joined the Showerloop team for a work placement and in 2015 completed his Bachelors thesis. The topic was the final piece of the shower puzzle - can we remove sufficient amounts of soap from the water each cycle. The results were very promising but more research is required because the ingredients in soap varies.
In 2015-2016 Nishan Khadka and Gaurab K.C. joined the team for their work placements. Having twice the responsibility, it was tough at first but they showed lots of enthusiasm .They met the goals laid out in the beginning after some coaching.
One of the objectives was to test simple and inexpensive water quality sensors available from eBay. While more experimenting and quality control should be performed to verify the results (replicate them with multiple sensors), we did get a pretty clear picture of what sensors proved reliable, especially when comparing the cost of these kits to professional chemical laboratory equipment.
"According to the analysis, pH and conductivity meter are the most reliable test kit and can be used for home test use. TDS meter was not reliable as it showed half of the actual value. Test strips for hardness showed reliable values as the true value of hardness in the sample water was on the range of test strips.
Test strips used for sulphate test had large range (0-250 mg/l). When comparing test strips with Hach Lange, it showed the reliable range while nitrate test strips also showed the reliable range. For E. coli and Coliform confirmation, the test sample also showed the reliable output. Test sample was able to detect at least two coliform colonies.
As a whole, pH meter, conductivity meter, test strips for hardness, sulphate and nitrate and, Coliform and E. coli test powders are reliable for testing home base shower water. However, it is important to notice the range and limitations of test kits before using it."
Testing our suppliers' 25 W UV lamps for effectiveness to deactivate e.coli bacteria, an indicator organism commonly used to test water quality.